
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Nackenhorst

photo of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Nackenhorst photo of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Nackenhorst
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Nackenhorst
Professorinnen und Professoren
Appelstraße 11/11a
30167 Hannover
photo of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Nackenhorst photo of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Nackenhorst
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Nackenhorst
Professorinnen und Professoren
Appelstraße 11/11a
30167 Hannover

Udo’s research focusses on modelling of non-linear processes and the development of related computational methods in continuums mechanics. Engineering applications are manifold, ranging from tire-road dynamics, modelling the constitutive behaviour of materials, bio-mechanics, damage and fatigue mechanics on a broad scale of load cycles, stochastic finite element computations etc.

With regard to Udo’s research activities please refer to:

He is also an engaged academics and obtained several third party funding and prices for his outstanding activities in innovative university teaching.

For more details please visit Udo’s web page: